Our perfumer is Robert Gungor.
Trained in music, web developer and co-proprieter of coffee and food, for Rob, scent seems to intersect his skillsets in a natural way. There’s something about orchestrating, composing, mixing, dialing in expresso and balancing a sauce that made making perfume a very obvious transition.
Rob suffers from asthma and allergies so he’s always been extremely picky when it comes to fragrance.
At the same time he's also used scent to transform his creative spaces.
Over the past few years he has followed his curiousity in order to understand why he has loved (and hated) certain scents.

Nagual is based in Marfa, TX
Marfa is a uniqute place that allows the space for creativity and focus. The creative community here is supportive and thriving, without it NAGUAL would not exist.